Buying on Selladon

How do I purchase items on Selladon?

Find the item you want to purchase on Selladon and select either "Buy it Now" or add it to your cart. If you have added items to your cart you can then select "View Cart" to edit the items in your cart or you can select "Check Out" to complete your purchase.

What forms of payment do you accept?

At the moment we are using Amazon Pay to complete your purchase quickly and conveniently. We also accept most major credit cards.

What happens after I purchase an item?

The artist selling the item will receive a message that their item has sold on and they will prepare and ship your item to you. Any questions or concerns on the shipment of your item should be sent to the contact information of the artist.

How do I delete my Selladon Account?

We are sorry to see you go, if there are any questions or concerns we can help you with before you leave we would be more than happy to discuss them with you. You can send an account deletion request along with any questions or concerns to

How do I return something?

If you’re unsatisfied with an order, you may be able to return or exchange your order depending on the shop’s policies. To request a return, return label, or exchange, contact the artist.

Sellers aren’t required to accept a return or exchange unless stated in their shop policies.